Many customers have to manage legacy 2D documents over an extended period of time as they gradually work on converting them to 3D documents. This single practice can lead to confusion without a proper PDM process for automatically handling it.

MechWorks PDM takes the headache out of promoting 2D documents to 3D documents. Depending on the organization’s processes, the legacy 2D Drawing can be automatically linked to the newly created 3D Model without forcing the user to replace the 2D Drawing (this is often desired to allow the users to create 3D Models without interrupting the design process). Then, when the 2D Drawing is to be replaced by a 3D Drawing, MechWorks PDM handles the promotion process so the newly created 3D Drawing automatically inherits the history from the 2D Drawing. Another reason why the Link Mode functionality within MechWorks PDM is such a critical feature for so many customers around the world.